The “Illustration” Challenge
Revealing ‘Audience Context’ through Research.
The “Real Self” Project
Concept: “To hell with ‘their’ definition of happiness.”
The illustration depicts the real key to happiness is ‘your’ expression of love. If you want to be happy, dissolve your fear-based beliefs filling your mind. To free your ‘self’ and become happy with expressing ‘your’ love, become wise to your fears.
The “I’m Enough?” Project
Concept: “You are enough. Just as you are, just as you were made to be.”
This outcome illustrates the whimsy that because ‘you are enough’ does not mean you have been measured, considered and then judged, or you have earned the label of ‘enough.’ It’s simply who you are. That you will be enough today and tomorrow.
The “Cut to the Heart” Project
Concept: “When betrayed you sometimes end-up betraying yourself.”
This concept portrays the irony of betrayal. Here, the dog is represents the over-reaching allegiance required by today’s relationships; sacrifice who you are and how and who you love in order to be accepted into an ‘inculpable’ association of control and abuse.
The “Animation” Project
The central idea guiding my investigation into the “Fortitude” animation revolves around a theme relating to contemporary culture and its effects on the human condition. The concept developed from a deep interest in the emotional transformations occurred during personal struggles.